■ プライバシーポリシー / Privacy policy
It is based on the statute of Japan.
Priority is given to a Japanese interpretation when there is a mistranslation.

●はじめに / Introduction
It strives for suitable protection of personal information.

●法令の遵守 / Observance of a statute
The statute and indicator on protection of personal information are observed.

●安全管理措置 / Safety control measure
It strives for a measure suitable for the safety control of individual data.

●個人情報の適正な取り扱い / Proper handling of personal information
・Suitable management is performed.
・Personal information is not acquired by an unjust means.
・Unnecessary personal information is not dealt with.
・A third party is not provided with individual data without obtaining the consent of the person himself/herself.
・The use purpose is specified as much as possible.
・I do not acquire except personal information required for offer of service.

●開示等の要請 / The request of an indication
Except for the following cases, no disclosure of the personal information to a third party is performed.
When the organization which has a government organization, a lawyer, or the authority according to these is able to be asked for disclosure of information.

●個人情報の利用目的 / The purpose of using personal information
Guidance of order receiving control, delivering goods, cash receipt control, goods, service, etc.

■個人情報取扱事業者の氏名又は名称 / A personal information handler's name

■お問い合わせ窓口 / Inquiry